Wednesday 20 July 2011

Fighting Temptation – The Secret of Success is Spiritual!

Fighting temptation focuses on the cravings and desires of the flesh versus doing what is right. No one is above temptation or the potential to sin (1 John 1:8). When fighting temptation, society’s solutions revolve around personal stamina and will-power. However as worthwhile as this may seem, the chances of success are minimal, due to the focus being on natural ability. As Scripture clearly tells us, the battle is not natural-but spiritual. Ephesians 6:12-13 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand”

As an example to us, Jesus used the weapon of God’s Word in resisting temptations (Matthew 4). Since He is the only human who has ever been tempted, yet did not sin, His example is a good one to follow! God knows how to provide a way to both get through temptation, and overcome temptation. Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.”

When we choose to rely on our own strength in defeating temptation, independent of God, God looks at this as pride (James 4:6). He has a plan of deliverance, a way of escape which is found primarily through relationship with Him and experiencing His loving hand of correction (Hebrews 12).

When we come to God for salvation, He gives us a new nature. The old one – full of deceit and the desire to please only ourselves – is gone. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” What begins to transpire at this point is a literal transformation. As we start to read the Bible and get to know who God is, our way of thinking is gradually changed. This is a renewing that changes the moral fiber and character of a person. New traits and disciplines are learned and integrated, replacing the old characteristics. Through a relationship with God, we become likeminded with Christ and grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord.

Temptation always involves choice – do we obey God or give in to our own desires? Yet climbing out of the pit of temptation is rarely simple, as anyone who has been there knows. The good news is that with God’s help, we can end the cycle. There may be pain and anguish in your heart and mind when declining temptations of the flesh, but overcoming temptation is treasure for the soul.

How the Battle is Played Out
Fighting temptation can feel like struggling for breath. It’s everywhere you turn, like a boxer wanting to pummel his opponent. Victory involves God’s Word, prayer, confession, and avoiding situations where temptation is likely to occur. God knows who we are. After all, in the person of Jesus, He has been tempted as we have. He knows what we need to do in order to defeat sin. Whatever your area of greatest temptation is, ask God to help you recognize and stay away from compromising situations. Use God’s Word to change harmful thought patterns. We have this good news from the Apostle Paul, “We are human, but we don’t wage war with human plans and methods. We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil’s strongholds. With these weapons we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God. With these weapons we conquer their rebellious ideas, and we teach them to obey Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NLT).

Now take charge of that Goliath in your life and Battle it knowing that Christ has Overcome for you Already.

How God Measures Success

What is success ? Most people define success in terms of achieving goals, acquiring wealth, and having prestige, favor, status, and power. "Successful" people enjoy the "good life" - being financially secure, emotionally secure, being surrounded by admirers, and enjoying the fruits of their labor. Their example is emulated and their accomplishments are noticed. Most people's definitions of success only deal with the "here and now" of this life. Even in many churches today the definition of success is in terms of numbers, size, dollars and prestige.

But success is measured and defined differently by God. God's measure of success involves our obedience and faithfulness to Him, regardless of opposition and personal cost. His measure of success is whether or not we are being loyal to Him in our personal relationship with Him and in our life, and whether we are accomplishing His goals & purposes for our life. Some examples in the Bible:

Jeremiah was an absolute failure when judged by people's definition of success. For 40 years he served as God's spokesman, but when he spoke no one listened and responded. He was rejected by his neighbors, his family, the priests and prophets, friends, his audiences, and the kings. He was poor and underwent severe deprivation to deliver God's messages. He was thrown into prison and into a cistern. But in God's eyes he was a success. He faithfully and courageously proclaimed God's word and His messages, and he was obedient to his calling.

Jesus was also a failure, if you measure his life here on earth by people's measure of success. He had little in material possessions, and did not even own a home. He was rejected by most people, and was even hated by some. The religious leaders of the time despised him. Even his friends and those closest to him deserted him. He was accused and found guilty of things he did not do. He was beaten, spit on, cursed, mocked, and he suffered terribly and died the most horrible kind of death known to man at that time, death on the cross. Measure him by the way most of us measure success, and he was a failure. But in God's eyes, the redemption and salvation of all of mankind was accomplished through His son Jesus. By God's grace and great love for you and I, He sent Jesus to pay for our sins, and now the gift of a restored personal relationship with God and eternal life can be ours - all because of Jesus Christ.